Ilus on maa, mida armastan!
Uku Uusber "Pea vahetus"
Sildid: teater
"Kui nüüd talvel teatrid jälle tubades mängima hakkavad, panen teatrisse musta ülikonna ja valge särgi selga ning lipsu ette. Et irriteerida moodsa teatrikunsti demokraatlikku vaimu."
Mine ja vaata järele. :)
Nicholas C. Zakas: "What makes a great software engineer?":
Thor Heyerdahl "Kon-Tiki"
Sildid: teater
"When you start thinking about what time is, you can get in a bit of state where you think, "Hey, I'm losing it here," — because you cannot think outside of time. Time is part of how we experience the universe. Trying to think of before there was time, well, you're already in trouble because you're thinking "before," which is a way of measuring time. It's very easy to get yourself into a bit of a tangled mental state. I have to go get a large glass of wine at that point."