teisipäev, 30. august 2011

Suveetendused vol.2

Tühermaa (R.A.A.A.M, mängukoht: Viinistu katlamaja) - salapärane etendus, kus mängiti palju valguse ja heliga. Samas kippus see heli veidi seal suures katlamajas ka kaduma minema ja etenduse mõte mulle päris kohale ei jõudnud.

Vargamäe Voonake (Albu projekt, mängukoht: Vargamäe) - klassikaline Tammsaare. Head näitlejad hea teksiga. Ainult need sääsed - terve teise vaatuse tegelesin rohkem sääskede tapmisega ja enda sügamisega kui etenduse nautimisega. Vähemalt pool etendusest läks korralduse nahka.

Saatuse heidikute kuu (Draamateater, mängukoht: Laitse kivivilla) - super etendus. Kindlasti selle suve parim. Väga head dialoogid Kersti Heinloolt ja Märt Avandilt ning neile sekundeerimas Jaan Rekkor. Just selline psühholoogiline ja mõtlema panev teater nagu mulle meeldib.


Five reason why not micromanage

Scott Lowe: Five reasons you need to trust your staff

1. You’ll inspire confidence (trusting your staff to do their job)
2. You’ll get more done (every minute spending on monitoring is lost for doing the actual job)
3. You’ll breed new leaders (holding the staff acountable helps them to work better on their own)
4. Your staff will stick around (people see oportunities and possibilities and want to work for you)
5. You will get promoted (you have possibility to focus on important stuff)


esmaspäev, 29. august 2011

Skype'i tulevik?

Algallikas: SkypeJournal

In 2011:

Microsoft will close the deal.

Skype will have more than 1000 employees.

Luxembourg will become Skype’s HQ in name only. Palo Alto is the new Luxembourg.

Microsoft Watch starts covering Skype closely.

In 2012:

Microsoft’s Skype division will absorb the Lync business unit.

Lync will be rebranded Skype.

Skype will launch its cloud products.

Skype will hit its Q1 peak of 35 million concurrent users, 220 million active users.

Victims sue Skype for not offering emergency dialing after a family dies.

Skype’s new cloud loses the US Presidential campaigns to Twilio, powering team and phonebanking apps.

A Skype toolbar and skinny-client comes with a new release of Internet Explorer.

Skype fuels LinkedIn chat.

Hackers reverse engineer Skype’s p2p network, make it public. Vulnerabilities and prior hacks exposed.

In 2013:

Skype for Mac catches up with Skype for Windows.

Skype for Windows Phone has cooler features than Skype for Mac.

Skype ships on the next Windows, in the next Office.

Skype becomes just one of thousands of products using in-browser WebRTC for calls, presence and IM.

SkypeKit becomes a standard component of Windows.

Skype kills the former Lync product family as PSTN hardware sales drop sharply. Lync becomes a Sharepoint feature, phone stations are all mobile, tablet or PCs.

Skype works with with Windows Live Messenger IM and voice.

In 2014:

Skype will generate one quarter of its revenue through Microsoft internal customers. Bing ads, Xbox subscriptions, Office, Windows.

Leaks reveal Skype cooperated with law enforcement in a totalitarian regime to shut down resistance. Leaks prove false.

Facebook drops Skype as a partner, as their internal pendulum swings to owning.

The Vatican IT department picks Skype as its telecom standard.

Skype for Layar brings talk to augmented reality RayBans.

In 2015:

Skype will deliver one billion minutes of live talk through developers using its cloud platform services.

Skype will generate one quarter of its revenue from platform services.

Skype and Bing launch YouTube competitor.

Skype is banned on student tablets in 903 school districts as a distraction.

Half of all televisions come with Skype inside or in an attached box.

Mass exodus as pre-Microsoft Skype employees fully vest and leave.

In 2016:

Phone banks using Skype for Web prove decisive in Get Out The Vote campaigns.

Facial recognition plug-ins reveal micro expressions and give live commentary.

Stallone Skype’s fighting instructions to his son in Rocky Junior.

In 2017

Platform products deliver half of Skype’s revenue.

Tony Bates named as Ballmer’s successor.